Emergency Planning – Survivalists Versus Preppers

By on February 14, 2013
Emergency Planning – Survivalists Versus Preppers

When talking about those who like to be prepared for situations that disrupt their usual everyday living we hear two different labels being given. One group is referred to as preppers and the other group is known as survivalists. Both of these groups of people like to be ready for any kind of emergency event.

Some people automatically use these two labels interchangeably. But are they the same? I’ve come to the conclusion that each group has a distinct point of view or philosophy.

A survivalist is someone that makes sure they have the knowledge and ability to survive any short-term situation. They have a plan in mind and they know just what to do if a disaster strikes. They know where they can go if their home can’t be lived in due to the disaster or event.

Survivalists have prepared themselves for a difficult situation. They’ve made sure ahead of time that they have backpacks ready. These backpacks will be waiting with at least three days’ worth of food, water, clothing and the means to provide or make a temporary shelter.

They’ll have their bug out vehicle ready to hit the road with their bug out bags already inside. The mindset of many survivalists is that they think that the emergency is only temporary. They think that normal order will be restored at some point, even though it might take some time. If they have to hide out and survive for more than just a few days, they’ll be prepared.

How are preppers different?

Preppers like to be prepared for more than just a short-term survival event. A preppers goal isn’t just surviving, but being self reliant. They want to be free from the “needs” of society. If a disaster occurs, it’ll be just like any other day for them. Their life will go on as usual.

A prepper will be prepared to be able to survive for any length of time. Regardless of the time required for things to get back to normal, they need to be able to always take care of themselves and their families. They won’t want to depend on others.

They figure that the only ones they can truly count on in an emergency situation is themselves. So what do they do? They get themselves ready. In order to get ready they prepare themselves to become self-sufficient. Many preppers begin homesteading as that fits into their mindset.

Why do preppers homestead? They use this method because if the world gets really shaken up their lives won’t be affected that much. They’ll experience some minor inconveniences of course. They ensure that their source of food is self-containing.

Preppers will have a garden that can sustain their family and will have seeds in storage in order to constantly replenish that garden. They’re not relying on having only three days’ worth of emergency food supplies that come in prepackaged containers. They’ll certainly be able to carry on their lifestyle with only minor changes.

They’ll also be sure to have and use animals that can provide for their needs. As an example, they may get their milk from cows and eggs from chickens. They’ll use animals to meet their other needs as well.

They may keep goats for cheese. They may raise sheep for the wool that they will know how to use to make their own clothing. They’ll put food into storage that they’ve grown themselves by preserving the foods.

So what they’ve really done is to look at the way of life of people that lived long ago. They’ve seen how those people were able to live off the land. They survived pretty well. The prepper wants to do the same for themselves.

Prepping seems like a lot of work. But, I think that they’re just living a simpler life. They’ll certainly experience much less stress. Maybe we all don’t really need all the latest and greatest new gadget that comes along. Something to think about.

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